"Catcheye is an online advertising platform that allows advertisers to deliver their advertisements in a highly effective manner. Our ad delivery platform guarantees that each ad is viewed by unique and voluntary viewers. In return, they will earn Catcheye reward points which can be exchanged for cash and/or other prizes. Viewers are also required to answer 3 simple questions related to the ad being displayed, hence strengthening their impression and understanding of the message being conveyed.
In addition, Catcheye will donate to a charity organization (of the user’s choice) everytime an ad is viewed. Indirectly, this allows companies to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities while promoting their businesses."
Apa kes ni?
Yang ini kes-coba-bikin-duit.
Seperti nuffnang dan adverlets.
Aku saja-saja coba.
Sebab apa?
Ya betul.
Sebab percuma.
Takdelah gigih sangat pon.
[Program iklan yang laen pon percuma kan?]
Kalau nuffnang atau adverlets korang berani join, kenapa tidak untuk yang ini kan?
Ala, sambil-sambil layari internet. Main mukabuku. Kadang-kadang timbul rasa busan bukan?
Jadinya, mari kita coba! Luangkan sedikit masa, rajinkan gerakan jari untuk menekan link dibawah.
Klik disini : catcheye
Selamat menekan, mencoba dan pasni main mukabuku kembali. Hahaha!
BisikBESAR: Coba kau coba. ^^
slmt mencube,,dilot masuk 1 je....hehe....
ajar masuk nuffnang nti ek... heheh.. catcheye ni pon nk cobe..tapi satu2 dulu lah.. $$$$ hehee
dilot : masuk satu tu masuk yg mane?hehe
mak teh: hehehe. ko join dua2 pon xde masalah beb ^^
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